Add extra store $6.5/month
For new businesses
For stores and chain stores
Add extra store $6.5/month
Sign up for our 7-day trial first, and Sapo will let you know which plans work best for your business
Start free trialYou can sign up and use our software for free for 15 days. After that, you can subscribe for our paid plan directly on the website or ask for support from Sapo's customer service staff. Sapo will always be there to support and answer your questions during the trial period. Reach us at Line: @sapo
For customers using Sapo POS, you can always buy more store at only $6.5/month
Your subscription will be automatically renewed every month at the renewal date if you do not cancel the subscription. We offer a 10% discount on an annual plan, just $19/month
Sapo POS can easily connect to hardware devices such as receipt printer, barcode scanner, cash drawer, electronic scales, etc... For more details and guidance, please contact us at Line:@sapo or Email:
No. You can sign up and use Sapo for 15 days without entering your credit card details. At the end of your trial, or when you decide to upgrade the paid plan, you will need to pick a plan and enter your credit card details.
Yes. If you decided not to continue using Sapo, simply cancel your account from your store admin page
Yes, we offer a 10% discount on an annual plan, when they are paid upfront.
We accept Visa, Master and American Express Card
Find out now by signing up for our 15-day trial
Start free trial